Olimpia Partners specializes in strategic and financial advisory to transactions across a variety of sectors, with qualified professionals with extensive experience and wide network of relationships.

  • Strategic and Financial Advisory

    • Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)
    • Private placements
    • Divestitures
    • Strategic Partnerships and Joint Ventures
    • Pre-IPO Advisory
    • Debt Structuring
    • Independent Advisory to the Board and/or Senior Management
    • Valuation and Fairness Opinion
  • Credit

    • Structured Debt Placements (CCBs, CRIs, CRAs, Debentures and PPEs)
    • Credit Funds (FIDC, FIIs and FIAgros)
    • Debt Restructuring
  • Technology

    • Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)
    • Fundraising with VCs, PEs e Family Offices
    • Corporate Ventures
    • Divestitures